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Korean food, cuisine: A Handbook of Terminology

『Korean food, cuisine: A Handbook of Terminology』 It contains more than 800 Korean dishes, including rice, side dishes, stew, soup, and traditional dishes. - Book of detailed lists for everything needed of Korean food, cuisine. - A brief outline of the most common Korean food terms. - More than 800 Korean food terms. - Romanization notes for beginners.
『Korean food, cuisine: A Handbook of Terminology』

It contains more than 800 Korean dishes, including rice, side dishes, stew, soup, and traditional dishes.

- Book of detailed lists for everything needed of Korean food, cuisine.
- A brief outline of the most common Korean food terms.
- More than 800 Korean food terms.
- Romanization notes for beginners.

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.kr 개인정보책임 : 이선희